Friday, October 2, 2009

Crazyness mudslide!

Well well well! Isn't this mudslide a monster! This mudslide is from Western Japan, in the town of Misato. Apparently, old bean, thirteen civilians were killed! By Jove, that's a lot of civilians! The reporters are all up in quite the hullaballoo about all of this, I tell you; indeed, they are saying that it was caused largely to do with the exorbitant rains in the area at the time! And that's not the only sticky wickett, they also say that an extraneous 10 inches of rain are on their way soon to cause yet more mudslides for these poor chaps! Alas, alas for them.
On top of the mudslides, apparently the rains also triggered floods! Well isn't that a merry how-de-do!

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