Welcome to Geography 12!!!
You will be required to make a posting once a week during the semester.
Remember to think and use geographic terminology. Have fun with it.
Monday, September 21, 2009
Satellite image of Ireland
This is a satellite image of Ireland. I chose this image because Ireland is my homeland, and I love it.
Search the web and find an interesting satellite image. Post the image and explain what it is. Check out some of the postings of your classmates and make at least 1 comment.
Find a picture that represents a type of physical or chemical weathering. Explain what it is. .... or find a picture of a mass wasting event. Explain how people were effected. Could the mass wasting event have been prevented? Good luck!
Post #4 Rivers
Post a picture of a river landform that you have studied. This can be on the surface or underground river features. Explain the processes that created it.
Also, make a comment on someone elses posting. Make it an intelligent useful comment that demonstrates geographical thinking.
Good Luck
Post #5 Glaciers/Deserts
Post a picture of a Desert or Glacial feature you have studied. Explain the processes that created it. If you have time do one of each. Also take time to look through and comment intelligently on your classmates postings. Good luck
Post #6 Coastlines
Coastal Features and Processes. Post a picture of a coastal feature you have studied. Outline the processes that created it. Comment on others postings. Use them for review of this gradation unit. Good luck!
Post #7 Atmosphere
Part 1:Weather Instruments Post a picture of a weather instrument and explain what aspect of the atmosphere it measures. Part 2:Ozone Depletion Post a picture of one of the causes or effects of ozone depletion. Offer an explanation of your picture. Good luck!
Post #8 Clouds and Precipitation
Find a picture of one of the clouds you have studied. What characteristics helped you classify it? Find a diagram of one of the 3 types of precipitation we have studied (Convectional, orographic, or frontal). Give a brief explanation of the diagram.
When finished create a climate graph using excel. Use the handout provided. Good luck!!
Post #9 Violent Weather
Research a tornado or hurricane that has happened in the last few years. Post a pic and fill us in on the details. Where and when did it? How were people afeected?
Good Luck!
Post#10 Effects of Acid Rain
Post a pic of one of the effects of acid rain. Explain how your pic results from acid rain. Good Luck!!
Post #11 Climate Change
Post a pic of an effect or solution of climate change in youir country. Explain. Maybe use this for your presentation! Good Luck!!
Post #12 Calculate your carbon footprint - Post your results. How can you improve?
After you have calculated your carbon footprint outline some solutions to climate change. Post a pic and explain how it helps against the fight against climate change. Other solutions?
Post #14 Biomes
Choose a biome. Then find a picture of flora or fauna that has adpted to the climate of that biome. Explain the adaptations. Good luck
Post #15 Endangered Species
Post a pic of an endangered species. What is it? What caused it to become endangered? Is there anything that can be done about it? Explain. Looking forward to your responses.
Global Issues Presentation
Start to research your topic. Remember to outline the causes, effects, and solutions to your issue. You will be giving a 3-5 minute presentation to the class about your issue. A power point is a good way to present but is not mandatory. Some sort of visual is necessary including a map. See the handout provided. I am looking forward to your presentations!
Post #16 Final Post 'Resources'
Choose one of the following resources - Fishing, Mining, Agriculture, or Forestry (tropical Rainforest or coniferous forest). Post a pic that shows one of the effects of mismanagement of the resource you chose. Explain how mismanagement occurs and offer a possible solution to more sustainable management. Good Luck!
Cool image.
ReplyDeleteCan you see approximately where you are from?
What is the name of that River you can clearly see in the north part of the island?